Jinping and Biden

Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping, also formally congratulated Biden after the election victory

In his telegram, the Chinese President said he hoped that under Biden’s leadership, relations between the two countries would be strengthened. Xi and Biden The Chinese President’s greeting came after two weeks that many leaders from various countries around the world have already greeted Biden. “Promoting healthy and stable development of China-U.S. relations not only…

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KC Concepcion and Ruffa Gutierrez personally went to Cagayan to help flood victims

Actresses Ruffa Gutierrez and KC Concepcion personally extended their help to the victims of the massive floods in Tuguegarao city, Cagayan. The two were carrying up to 10,000 relief goods along with other volunteers. On her Instagram, KC was happy because even though he was devastated, many people still managed to smile. Ruffa was accompanied…

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